Self Adhesive Floor Marking System

Self Adhesive Floor Marking System 

We recommend the use of Self Adhesive Floor Marking System is omnipresent in our daily life. We see it every day, whether on the roads, parking lots, shops or even in businesses. Ground marking is above all visual information that helps organize and secure spaces to better guide our movements and naturally manage the flow of people and vehicles.Range of ground markings, security and signage help mark out, organize and identify your site. Being able to identify risks helps prevent them. Indeed, factories, production workshops, warehouses and logistics platforms are work environments at risk, where pedestrians, machines and machinery coexist. By strictly using floor marking, you ensure a functional and secure environment and optimal working conditions for your employees. Signage on the ground therefore helps solve a major issue and that is safety.This range also makes it possible to indicate safety instructions and prohibitions to improve the safety and working conditions.Using a cutter, draw a light line on the protective film then slightly bend the adhesive for easy removal. Then place the tape or adhesive pictogram on the desired location before applying firmly. Continue the installation by applying the rest of the adhesive to the floor as you go exerting pressure with one hand, continue to remove the protective strip with the other hand. In order to eliminate any air bubbles under the adhesive, we recommend rolling something heavy on your path, such as a forklift, for a perfect adhesion to the ground.
Be careful not to superimpose several markings, otherwise the adhesion to the ground will not be effective and the adhesive will not hold over time. If there are cracks or holes in the floor, air can get under the adhesive which can reduce the effectiveness and life of the product. In the presence of an intense back and forth movement of forklifts, pallets or any other blunt object that can be pulled or pushed on the floors, we recommend the use of  adhesive pads, corners, tees or borders.Self Adhesive Floor Marking System pictograms obligations, prohibitions and caution:To improve and secure an industrial environment, signaling pictograms contain specific colors such as blue, red or even yellow, making it possible to ensure industrial safety.

Self Adhesive Floor Marking System for industrial marking are used to fit out workshops and warehouses. The objective is to allocate a place on the ground for each moving element and to keep enough space to allow operators and vehicles to circulate without danger. To delimit these spaces, we offer different types of adhesive tapes, with different strengths and available in several colors.The lifespan of these products depends on the type of ground that you wish to identify and on the frequency of passage of the operators and the machines on the markings on the ground. Different adhesive qualities meet the requirements of your workshops to guarantee the best possible hold of your markings


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